Participation in the Drive Legal Program produces positive results for drivers and Miami-Dade County residents. While on the payment plan or upon payment in full, the person is issued D-6 Clearances for re-instatement of their license. Cases where court costs are owed, may be placed on a payment plan and will remain open until the final payment is made.
Upon completion all the cases enrolled in the program are closed with the exception of cases where courts costs are owed. All requirements must be submitted in order to successfully complete the program. However, they can complete the program as quickly as they choose to within that 90-day timeframe. The program gives participants 90 days to complete their enrollment. Traffic school may also be assigned based on a combination of the participant’s number of moving violations and driving history. Participants are given the option to enter into a payment plan for all their cases or reduce the amount of fines owed by completing community service hours for infraction citations. Cases are removed from any collection agency, if applicable. All open cases that qualify are enrolled in the Drive Legal Program.